Academy of Life
Is it possible to live like Jesus? To see things like Jesus? To do things like Jesus did?
Not only is it possible - it's your destiny!
Let's discover what that looks like...
True Life
"Know and live the word of God"
The truth that we are called to live in as Christians is a truth about who God is - Our Father - a truth about who we are - Redeemed People - and a truth about the story we live in - The Coming Kingdom.
Seeing this in Jesus, receiving it as a gift and choosing to live in it ourselves is the heartbeat of a True Life.
To download this session follow the link below and click the 'Download' button in the description of the video on Vimeo.
Full Life
"Ask for and receive the Holy Spirit"
We are called to live lives that are filled, led and empowered by the Holy Spirit. We are constantly being filled with the Spirit; we are led by the spirit as we grow a sensitivity to the prompting of God; and learn increasingly to step out in faith and see God work in surprising ways.
Jesus demonstrably lived a Full Life and if we are filled, led & empowered by the Holy Spirit we can follow in his footsteps
To download this session follow the link below and click the 'Download' button in the description of the video on Vimeo.
Shared Life
"Love one another"
Shared life begins with the practice of welcome - having Open Doors to each other and then we live with Open Hearts in vulnerable and supportive relationships. Within this context we have a special responsibility to have Open Hands to provide for one another's needs.
Jesus ultimately held nothing back when it came to sharing his life and our Shared Life is possible because of him.
To download this session follow the link below and click the 'Download' button in the description of the video on Vimeo.
Deep Life
"Be rooted in the Father's love"
Jesus modeled for us a life committed to Pursuing God, receiving the Peace of God and experiencing Pruning by God. His model of Deep Life is profound, but deeper still is his invitation for us to enjoy a Deep Life with God.
When we live with healthy rhythm in our lives, experiencing the peace of God in all sorts of trials and joyfully accepting the pruning of God we are truly living a Deep Life.
To download this session follow the link below and click the 'Download' button in the description of the video on Vimeo.
Pure Life
"Walk in freedom from sin"
Jesus was not simply concerned with avoiding falling short; he wanted to teach and model the life of freedom, obedience and power that comes from walking with God and free from sin.
When we learn to Recognise our sin, to Repent of our sin and to Replace our sinful patterns with life-giving ones we will gradually become more Christlike as we live a Pure Life.
To download this session follow the link below and click the 'Download' button in the description of the video on Vimeo.
Serving Life
"Blessed to be a blessing"
Jesus served us out of great riches; he did not hold on to anything but made himself nothing and is now seated at the right hand of the Father in heaven.
Our serving life comes out of Recognising the riches God has given us, causes us to Respond with radical generosity to others and then Receive the reward of God's blessing.
To download this session follow the link below and click the 'Download' button in the description of the video on Vimeo.
Bold Life
"Join the work of the Kingdom"
A Bold Life is one that has Kingdom Motivation, powered by love. It is a Kingdom Demonstration as we flesh out the words of Jesus and it is a Kingdom Invitation as we take the invitation of the Gospel to every nation, tribe and tongue.
Jesus mission was all about the Kingdom of God and if we want to be his disciples we must live a Bold Life serving that end.
To download this session follow the link below and click the 'Download' button in the description of the video on Vimeo.