STG'S Youth Community
We want to equip young people at St George’s and across Leeds to be lifelong followers of Jesus, by knowing who God is, who He has created us to be and how we can impact the world in the power and love of Jesus.
If you are 11-18 years old, we invite you to STGS YOUTH, our community for young people.
| Weekly Groups |
Youth Night
Youth Night - our youth Small Group evening. There will be an opportunity to hang out, have some fun and worship as a larger group, and then break off into small groups to discuss faith and life. We’re here every week during term time.
This will be on in term time
Time: 7-9pm
Where: St George’s Church
Ages: Year Group 7-13
Small groups: Year 7, Year 8-9, Year 10, Year 11+
1030 Youth
Starting together with the whole church family at 1030, we then head to our Yr7-9s Youth Group for Bible study, community and games.
This will be on in term time
Time: 10:20-11:30am
Where: St George’s Church - Left hand risers
Age: Year 7-9’s
1830 Youth
We have a designated spot in the Church where we can all sit together at the 1830 Service in term time, on the left hand risers.
Place: Left hand risers
Time: From 6:15pm onwards
Age: Year 10+

Jack Smith
Youth Worker
Get in touch
Parents, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with Jack our Youth Worker