Lighthouse is our community that reaches out to those battered and bruised by the storms of life, including homelessness, addiction issues, criminal backgrounds, poverty and crisis in mental health.

What’s On
Sunday Service
Sundays | 12.15-2pm | St George's Crypt
We begin with fresh food served, before going up to the church for a creative and engaging service. Through a friendly and confident mixture of story, scripture, prayer, testimony and song, many consider this to be their Church, while for others this is their first exposure to the good news of Jesus. The services adhere to the current UK Covid19 guidelines and restrictions.
Day Centre
Tuesdays | 1-4pm | St George’s Church
Our covid-secure day centre currently operates within small, socially distanced support group bubbles bringing the hope & healing of Jesus to some of the most vulnerable people in our city. There are opportunities for circle time, bible study, healing workshops, and games & chill out time.
Wellbeing Wednesdays
Wednesdays | 1-4pm | St George's Church
As part of our Day Centre provision we now offer “Wellbeing Wednesdays’ - providing holistic care and a range of trauma-informed activities within smaller workshops, such as Arts & Crafts, Swim & Gym, Community Action Group, Cookery & Life Skills. Before these workshops, each Wednesday session begins with a Question & Answer session focussing in on issues associated with navigating life. eg. money management, sex & relationships, hygiene & wellbeing, etc
Eucharist Service
Thursdays | 1-2pm | St George’s Crypt
We have a Eucharist Service together in the Crypt, with a small time of sung worship.

Leeds School of Theology are pleased to partner with Lighthouse West Yorkshire in delivering two courses on Zoom, facilitating dynamic learning communities which will serve Christians already working alongside the marginalised or who have a heart to pioneer in this area.
A course including passionate teaching which fuses together Biblical studies, theological reflection, interviews with people with lived experience, cultural analysis, historical case studies and cutting edge research on addiction and trauma to inspire and equip the church to engage with those on the margins in a way that looks and loves like Jesus.
Justice, Peace and Reconciliation
A learning environment exploring and equipping the church to engage the contemporary world in justice, peacemaking and reconciliation. Through a mixture of live lectures, discussion groups and assigned homework, this introductory course will particularly focus on a Christlike and prophetic response to the interrelated issues of climate breakdown, violence and conflict and racial injustice.