Men's Ministry
At St George’s we connect through our vibrant Networks and a wide variety of different ministries and opportunities to serve. However there are moments when it is helpful to get together as a group of men to encourage and spur one another on in our pursuit of godliness.
Sometimes our gatherings take the form of BBQs, Q&A with guest speakers or pub trips. On other occasions we host New Wine Men’s Days, travel together to conferences and maybe even go overseas on mission.
Men’s Breakfast
Sat 9 Nov | 9am |
St George’s Centre, Leeds, LS1 3BR
Come for breakfast at 9am, before we worship together and hear a short message on the topic of identity from guest speaker, Derry Boylan.
Suggested donation to pay on the day £3 - £5.
Find out more
If you want to find out more please visit the Men's Ministry Facebook Group here or contact